Problems & Solutions of Repairing Central Air Conditioning System

If the central air conditioner is not cooling well or doing it nominally, this article will exhibit how you can deal with the air conditioning system, so that you can enjoy the uninterrupted comfort of having the central air conditioner and you will not be required to call for any plumbing staff from a company.

There are 5 chief parts in a central air conditioning system as which are as follows;

  1. Refrigerant compressor
  2. Condenser
  3. Expansion valve 
  4. Evaporator coil
  5. Thermostat

To solve any problem, you have to identify the problem in the first place. Let’s see a few problems and their solutions.

If air conditioner is not turning on!

The probable reason in this case is related to the following areas;

  • Circuit breaker
  • Blown fuse
  • Faulty thermostat
  • Some internal switch is off

To deal with this situation, you have to make sure that thermostat is at ‘cool’ mode instead of ‘off’ or ‘heat’ mode.

Then make sure that cooling thermostat is fixed at lower temperature than the current temperature of the room.

Now you have to check if circuit breaker is at 240 volt that controls compressor and the circuit switch is at 120 volt which controls fan are at the ‘on’ position. In case, circuit breaker is fused, you have to replace it with a new one.  In case the replacement does not work, it seems that there is some other issue and you might need assistance of a technician.

If there is minor airflow in ventilation room!

It generally occurs due to poor airflow which could be the result of dirty air filter or it could be a congested tube.

To resolve the issue, you need to check if the filter is clear. In case it is filthy and congested with dust, you are just required to clear it or if you think it is in too much bad condition, you can also put a new air filter.

If it is dehumidifying!

The evident reasons is the size of air conditioning system which is bigger than the required size of the house. To confirm it for sure, just notice that this problem occurs every time when the system is turned one.

The best solution is to consult the experts and inquire about the right size of the air conditioning system and make the suggested changes.

It is advisable to be aware of the basics of issues and solution to avoid the hassles of calling the repairman, and in case the problem is bigger and serious, you must not delay calling the repairman.

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